Sunday 8 January 2012

Breast Cancer in Rhyme

Breast Cancer in Rhyme

It is any woman’s fear,
That an organ to her and lover so dear,
Be afflicted by such a disease,
Making all ill at ease,

From hormones to heredity as etiology they claim
Even high calories as factor they blame
But incidence remains much the same
This fact so distressing to any dame,

Sometimes so unrelenting is  its scourge,
Nevertheless to combat is the Physician’s  urge,
Disease free period the result,
To a patient’s cancerous insult.

‘A  disease of the breast ‘ so we  believed,
But not later was it revealed,
That cancer breast –is  ‘a systemic disease’ not so kind,
Hence different treatment modalities to be combined.

Staging at best is a management guide,
And also an indicator for prognosis beside;
Should’nt there be a parameter for ‘emotional state’
Otherwise where do feelings relate in her fate ?

Surgery still helps loco-regional control,
Lumpectomy, mastectomy, modified or radical same the goal,
Axilla may be sampled , axilla may be dissected,
Thus lymph node status be detected.

Radiotherapy a must where the choice is right,
Although Surgeon’s under-rate its might,
As Physicians it should be our fight,
To make our patient’s future bright.

Chemotherapy benefits pre-menopausal women with a positive node,
And those ‘inoperable’ an initial load,
Hormone manipulation has similar to offer,
Where discussions are open and decisions proper,

To pathologists breast cancer may be ‘invasive’ or ‘non-invasive’
But sure it is the nightmare of every ‘EVE’
Screening permits early detection
And hence the better patient selection

Cancer breast scars a woman’s image,
This is what I’ve been able to gauge,
To my patients past present and future
I dedicate these lines and to His Nurture!

Copyright@ Cherian Koshy, MS,M.Ch (Plastic Surgery)
Additional Professor and Chief
Department of Palliative Medicine
Regional Cancer Centre,

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